Friday, January 14, 2011

With his speech Wednesday Night...

the President effectively "won the argument" with those who regard the whole Tucson tragedy as some sort of devious liberal plot to persecute conservatives.
But rhetorically speaking, the debate was with people who literally asserted "There is guilt on both sides, but your side is guilty of everything"...So the outcome was never in doubt.
I have to say, there is something about Harvard Law School and the US Naval Academy, they still turn out Gentlemen, and Gentlewomen for that fact.
And it is a certain refined spirit that is required here.
So in a bid to recover lost ground, the several GOP congressmen are conjuring with a rule that would allow representatives to carry concealed weapons on the Floor of the US House.
So...I'm wondering, will these worthies sit there at the State of the Union Address, lovingly caressing their 9mm automatics and 32 caliber snub nosed revolvers?
Nope no reaction formation there kids, not at all.

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