he spends an hour a day rigorously back-pedalling and then another hour devoted to acrobatic flip flopping.
I don't quite understand Romney's rationale for declining to sign the Susan B. Anthony's list restrictive anti abortion pledge. The former viceroy claims such a pledge would cost hospitals federal funding and constrain his power of appointment as President.
But certainly finding qualified associates was never one of Mitt's priorities as Governor, he happily appointed all sorts of moochers and porch climbers to high political office, where do you think a dingbat like Scary Kerry Healey came from?
Now suddenly he needs a free hand when nominating a cabinet?
That as President he'll let a hundred flowers bloom within and without the executive department?
Sounds like th' old Romney shuffle to meeee-ee.
BTW the Globe still persists in trying to drag Mitt to the middle, check this juicy quote from the above article out:
It is a difficult balancing act for a liberal Massachusetts former governor, who ran for office twice here supporting abortion rights, and in two presidential campaigns has had to seek support from conservative Republican activists.
Note to Morrissey Blvd, MITT IS NOT A LIBERAL, nor is he a moderate and he certainly is not a real conservative, he is out for himself first last and always and will say anything to win, because winning is all he cares about. And if the Globe doesn't get that after seventeen years of Romney's nonsense then perhaps at long last they are too dumb for help.
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