and yammers on like a declinist fool, Sarah Palin blows into New Hampshire like a busted Teen Idol and the both of them are knocked off the top fold of the Globe by a deadly cluster of tornadoes.
You could actually almost enjoy the irony if it didn't cost lives and livelihoods.
Meanwhile over in the Metro Section, Brian McGrory manfully huff on the embers of Mitt Romney's moderate republican cred trying to ignite some sort a blaze.
This passage is signficant:
Watching Romney’s speech yesterday was a little like going back in time, back to 2002 when he won the election for Massachusetts governor by effectively portraying himself as a straightforward, business-minded outsider who would get caught in none of the traps that snare lifelong, overly ambitious politicians.
Geez, Brian is heavily invested in the Romney-is-a-Moderate meme isn't he?
Indeed there is a whole cadre of professional huffers at the Boston Globe who are desperate to portray the former Viceroy as a nice inoffensive Middle of the roader.
Indeed, the Herald is in the tank for Romney as well, you'd think they'd mark out hard for Palin or Santorum or some other gaudy weirdo, but no last time I checked One Herald Square was guzzling Willard's near-beer with gusto.
No man who believes in so little save his own good can rise so far without apologists, and of those Mitt has plenty.
Thus we enter 2012 with the same native class of huffers that excused, projected and frankly fantasized ad nauseum about Romney for over a decade now.
Palin is right about one thing though, Romney isn't a conservative, nor is he a moderate. The modalities of the GOP Presidential Primaries though, compel him to pretend (badly) to be a hardcore wingnut...In reality though, Mitt is a perfect opportunist uninterested in ideology unless it can help him win.
The huffers of course, don't get that.
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