Friday, December 30, 2011


I suspect that Mitt Romney has a "life coach" who is trying to make over a cold detached & boring oligarch   into "Ronald Reagan".
So every day in as sincere a voice as he can muster, Romney must chant "I AM...Ronald Reagan, I AM...Sincere. I WAS...a Great Governor, I WILL BE a game changer as President!"
This goes on three times a day into Romney's bathroom mirror. No doubt as part of coaching process, the Former Governor of Massachusetts will be coaxed to start affecting "Gipper style" football helmets, cowboy gear or that ghod awful green plaid summer suit Reagan wore to a NATO summit in his first term.
(Ghod he looked like The Riddler...)
But on it goes with Mitt Romney, the chanting, "I AM... Ronald Reagan, I HAVE...Rock Solid Conservative Principles!"
Until one night, the life coach's audio lab gets Romney's "Sleep learning CD" mixed up and this affirmation gets piped into his ear buds "I AM...Al Smith, I WAS the First Catholic ever nominated by a major party for President!"

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