watching Texas Governor Rick Perry flailing around on the ground, ineffectually snapping his fangs at passersby and stuttering imprecations against gays, women with unlocked wombs and the vast menacing saracen hordes.
Six short months ago, he was a Rightical Chic Godling, a Romulus a Titan....Now look at him?
An ass-clown's ass clown.
And all Perry did to initiate this stupendous political pratfall, was open his mouth and speak on the record.
As I've said before, in Perry we have an authentic rarity, a republican who simply too stupid to be President.
Hell, I'm not sure Rick Perry's campaign staff are sanguine about leaving the Governor alone with a box of matches at this point.
Still, ya gotta give him credit, any normal politician who ran up a string of idioitic gaffes like Rick Perry would have quit the race in tearful humiliation long ago.
Not Rick, he is stubborn in the fashion of a determined teachable, whose inexplicable and foolish willfulness is divine compensation for being born into this uncaring life.
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