then, as sure as shootin' some busted Presidential Aspirant has discovered that "The Two Party System Is Broken, and a Third Party Is Needed to Break the Deadlock in Washington".
And this February, that aspirant, is none other than Jon Huntsman, who passive aggressively endorsed Mitt Romney a month or so ago, and at the moment is passively aggressively trying to find a third partei to cheerlead.
Mind you, I think Jon Huntsman is too much an unheroic jobber to ever ditch the GOP and run on a third partei ticket, but clearly he fantasizes about that very thing quite a bit.
It used to be, democrats caught the third partei fever in Feburary, Everyone from Huey Long to Henry Wallace, Strom Thurmond & George Wallace either flirted with the idea or took the plunge into electoral obscurity.
These days it is mostly republicans who like to play with the notion (I'm waiting for the annual third partei harangue from conservative fundraising Guru Richard Viguerie, that man just longs impotently and loudly for a pure conservative third party)...almost all of them harmless, charmless politicians with no followers or money to their name.
And that seems to be what the whole third partei option is these days, a way for beaten jobbers to nurse their wounded egos.
And so it seems with Huntsman, believe me he ain't boltin' nothin' this year I don't care what he sez.
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