Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bobby Reardon for State Rep

(first of an occasional series on the race for the 24th Middlesex State Representative's seat).

Citizen Bobby Reardon, Belmont democrat, candidate for the State Rep's nomination, tall blonde and handsome (like a Superhero in his secret identity) came round' to the Arlington Town Democratic Committee meeting last night to introduce himself and field a few questions.
Predictably, he promised more money for education via "full reimbursement for Chapter Seventy" whatever the hell that means.
He also wants to do something about public transportation, keep the Belmont Uplands pristine and keep the Massachusetts Health Connector viable sans recourse to higher taxes.
Specifics he had but few, and a prolonged attempt by an Arlington School Committee member to pin Reardon down on funding for the Health Connector yielded but little tangible results.
The man is well informed, good looking, earnest but something of an uncompelling bore...Maybe it was the venue, who knows?
Other than that Reardon is a former aide to Will Brownsburger, a graduate of Bentley and enthusiastic swim coach and apparently unmarried.
I don't know if he is Senator Brownsburger's candidate for State Rep, but Reardon nonetheless made much of his experience on Beacon Hill and as a swim coarch as well.
Seems like a short resume... but I could be wrong.
Right now with Sheffler on the sidelines the primary seems to be evolving into a "Battle for the Soul of Belmont Mass" with Margaret Hegarty going mano a mano with Bobby Reardon with North Cambridge's own Dave Rogers trying to strike some sparks along the periphery.
Meanwhile Precincts, 2, 4, 8, 10 & 12 In Arlington are cordially invited to line up on the southern side of Route Two and see who carries the day in Belmont.
Now on Thursday July 26th from 7 thru 9 pm at the Arlington Senior Center (27 Maple Street) there is to a democratic candidate's forum, hopefully I'll get a better view of the emerging race therein, right now it is Belmont's seat to keep unless something really weird happens.

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