I facetiously suggested that given the laxity of gun laws in abutting states, Massachusetts might be well served to set up inspection points along the border to forestall the movement of out of state assault weapons into the Commonwealth.
And now a scant six days later the Boston Globe runs the numbers and comes up with a lot of out of state firearms being used in Bay State Crimes.
So that proves, it, the Boston Globe is exactly six days behind this, The Little Blog That Cried.
I have a few disparate points to share, if the majority of guns commissioned for use in crimes enacted inside the Commonwealth were registered out of state...then what is cheaper?
1) Border control posts and roadblocks?
2) Metal detectors and armed security in our malls and movie theaters?
In six days maybe the Globe can run those numbers.
My only other thought is that Scott Brown's stance on assault weapons (a ban thereof is up to the fifty individual states) is the sort of subtle nuanced and otherwise useless policy prescription that characterizes someone who wants to run for President someday.
I say go for it Scott....
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