Democratic candidate for Lt Governor, Jimmy Tingle, author, actor, comedian, fundraiser & DIY politician, brought his act to Town Wednesday Night.
Lemme tell ya something, he may have shit for experience, but he can sure talk some shit, the man decades of stand up have made him very fast on his feet rhetorically speaking.
He has a very good tagline that will wear well over time "I believe in God, Miracles and The Power of Government to change lives for the Better" and he wants to do some outreach to blue collar voters, something he ought to excell at given a long history of playing VFW's & Union Halls.
Yeah there is a lot to like here, but recall the binary choices are Tingle and Palfrey, neither of whom has any experience as an elected politician. And at least, "Tingle has a plan" and the rhetorical component to back it all up. However that comes with a very strong admonition that Jimmy can also be very glib and in that glibness his lack of insight into some issues can be easily discerned. Now, he can "bone up" on those issues, which is not the chore everyone thinks it is, at the core it means staying abreast of developments and Formulate strong views about those developments.
Mate that up with Tingle's already strong communications skills and we might just have someone to watch here...regardless of what happens this fall.
At the moment I am probably voting for Tingle in the primary but I stress, in a properly contested race for the Lt Governor's nomination neither he nor Quentin Palfrey would be my first choice. So lacking an elected official in the race with a record that can be scrutinized, I an forced to go with Tingle and his strong rhetorical component, but he is also a candidate who needs to do some reading and reflecting "Less glib more think" is my formula.
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