that snuck in with Saturday's Gun Control Marches is that while the rhetoric was both clear and even blunt the actual proposals are fairly modest, better background checks, a reinstitution of the assault weapons ban, limited confiscatory powers to local police, a fairly limited agenda, I would say almost "Clinton-Esque" in its inherent moderation.
But alas the "gun worshippers" out there have gotten so besotted and spoiled they regard even a hint of dialogue as an imminet threat to the entire US Constitution. I applaud the kid's technique they are outplaying their opponents at the game of politics. It is a very simple agenda, well promulgated, when its rejected by the NRA et al, then it's game on come the fall. I think the unwillingness to discuss anything at all may well doom this lot, but then they've got tons of money and are unburdened by shame so stay tuned folks.
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