President Trump is shocked, shocked I say at this startling revelation!
I'm still processing the fact that Bob Kraft, a billionaire four times over, gets his creepy jollies for cheaps at a tacky massage parlor in a grotty Florida Shopping Plaza. $79.00 a hour for a slave labor "lady of joy", Kraft pays more for desert at lunchtime!
Hey...Isn't Howie Carr a club member down in Mar El Lago...he is a crime reporter, I wonder if he saw anything or has anything add?
Its not that Bob Kraft is a pervert per se, sadly many rich people are perverts, its that he is a cheap pervert, and that tells me its all about abusing power over poor enslaved women with no recourse whatsoever.
Indeed the likely outcome as far as the Florida courts is concerned is a misdemeanor trial, a suspended sentence or community service...meanwhile the women get deported back to China and Ghod Knows What Sort of Fate. It is the covert reestablishment of slavery in our midst that is the true crime, forget Bob Kraft, that dirty old man's reputation.
THAT is the real perversion here.
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