Saturday, February 16, 2019

Have No Fear...Bill Weld is Here!!!

The Ubiquitous Knight of the Charles River Swan Dive and Former Governor of Massachusetts has formed a Presidential Exploratory  Committee with the intention of challenging Donald Trump in the GOP Presidential Primaries next year.
Lets face it, Weld is a hapless has-been, he is as old as dirt, utterly inconstant & irresolute, he's left the GOP, endorsed democrats, run as a libertarian, he hasn't held office since the late 1990's, the man is Harold Stassen incarnate at this point.
I'll gloss over the fact he's been pro-choice, up until now and he is running in a famously pro-life series of primaries, Ghod only knows where the money will come from to finance this latest example of Weldian windmill jousting.  Moreover the political graveyards of this republic are full of men and women who bet the mortgage on "Principled GOP opposition to Donald Trump".
So I give Bill Weld very long odds indeed, if he makes his nickels squeak he might hang in there thru South Carolina, but does anyone think he can do any business at all in Texas or Alabama or any of the "MAGA Primaries"?
I say he cashes his check by March 2019.
On the other hand, The Boston Globe clearly loves Bill Weld that is a useful thing to have in the NH Primary where independent voters can pull party ballots, but we are a long way from any scenario where Weld sets NH aflame with an Anti-Trump Backlash.

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