Thursday, March 19, 2020

Senator Richard Burr (GOP NC)

the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, apparently unloaded his most vulnerable stocks prior to the Corona Virus outbreak in the USA.  He'd been briefed, that this was gonna be a game changer. While the pathogen was ramping up, he was calling press conferences assuring the press & public the Government had everything well in hand...and dumping his hotel stocks.
So lets see, Burr is a crook trading on inside info to enrich himself, he is a liar and a malevolent one, misleading his fellow citizens in  a time of danger, to protect his own wealth no it axiomatic he should resign and depart public life before he gets us all killed,but alas so should about five hundred other people in Washington DC and list grows longer every day.  Burr is a ghoul and a criminal and with the crisis escalating around us the M-F-er will probably get away with it.

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