Trump backed down on some major shit this weekend. One...he dropped that bizarre notion of a tai-state super quarantine, basically it shriveled up & died as soon as NY Governor Cuomo pissed all over it. And then, the president pushed back the end date of the shelter-in-place until the end of April, having previously tried to gin up an end to restrictions by Easter.
In all a bad weekend for threats, delusion and malignant fantasy.
Meanwhile, The Useless and Malevolent Governor of Florida, whose sole contribution to the current crisis was creating tens of thousands of pathogen vectors by not closing the beaches for Spring Break, has mopped his brow, gritted his teeth and blamed New York for the whole damn thing.
That will be the GOP line this week, that somehow NYC is to blame for all of it, the problem is, the visuals stark, horrific and even sometimes heroic, that are coming out of Manhattan, strongly undercut that message.
So my prediction (and what else is there to do save sit at home and figure out VOD?) is that the GOP and the rest of the Forces of Reaction will be scrambling for a new message by Wednesday.
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