Friday, February 11, 2005

The Governor's Line...

Can anyone out there make sense of Mitt Romney’s latest stem cell research policy? Apparently we can use fertility clinic leavings, but cloning human embryos for research purposes is a Bozo no-no. They are both the same sources of genetic material, but one is somehow more morally objectionable in the Viceregal eyes.
Nuanced? Incoherent? Or simply pandering to the awesome power of our of state wowsers? You be the judge...Humble Elias can’t figure this out.
Clearly Decaf is still listlessly tacking to the right in anticipation of his presidential apotheosis in 2008. Nonetheless it is a complicated policy to be sold to a famously uncomplicated GOP base. And how is all this mishaugas gonna play in Massachusetts-or does anyone even care anymore in the Governor’s office?
You’d think he’d clam up about rightical chic hot button issues after the drubbing a year’s worth of fag bashing got him at the polls last November. Alas this is Romney we are talking about. Being a amateur politician he must always be crusading and denouncing and firing....God forbid he should merely govern.
Undoubtedly his fearsome staff has got all kinds of polling that justifies his latest revisions and nuances...what else can explain this pallid and unsustainable policy?

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