Sunday, February 20, 2005

Missionary Mitt

Speaks to the GOP in South Carolina tomorrow. Glib, indecisive, yet servile, Romney ought to be a hit. Hell he bribed enough of the locals with campaign contributions that has to count for something! Yeah he ought to be a hit, but Humble Elias has his doubts.
After all, does anyone in the conservacracy really think Romney can deliver his home state in a head to head match up with a competent democrat? Let alone delivering any big electoral states in the Northeast? And if he can’t do that, why nominate him?
There are more safely conservative candidates from more advantageous regions in the offing, what does Romney really offer? Today’s GOP electoral map regards the east as enemy territory, how are the Norquists and Roves of the GOP supposed to fire up the base with a Bay State wanker like Mitt at the top of the ticket?
Nonetheless, it’ll be a grand effusion from the Man from Utah, Romney will paint himself a lone bulwark against the crazed radicals of the state legislature. This is of course, something he has NEVER been, the house and senate had his number practically from the git-go, they govern the Commonwealth with little seeming recourse to Romney. Moreover He hasn’t done damn thing in three long barren years of office despite loud press releases touting auto insurance reform, universal health care, and tax cuts to name but a few of his empty promises. However the wowsers of South Carolina don’t know from nuthin’ when it comes to his record…so Mitt is safe for the moment.
Still and all that, Mitt Romney will be a tough sell down south when the time comes his four separate positions on abortion have to back to haunt him at some point. Let us not forget his stem cell research policy is an utterly indecipherable straddle. Frankly, his only hope on that count is that the normally science adverse GOP simply avoid the topic entirely.

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