Saturday, February 26, 2005

Mitt goes Mental...

A few days ago, I speculated that Romney’s chief problem was stupidity-the sort of stupidity that chronically afflicts inexperienced amateur politicians.
Now however, having read the many many quotes from his latest out of state speeches I’m wondering if Mitt isn’t simply stark raving crazy?
Consider this ominous howler from his South Carolina oration “Every child has a RIGHT to a father and mother”.
A right? Like a constitutional right? Nowhere in the State or Federal Bill of Rights is a right to a father or mother anywhere established. What next a right to brothers, sisters, a white picket fence, and a tire swing in the backyard?
Good Ghod is this yap gonna try to outlaw divorce in the Commonwealth? Retroactively repeal trial separations etc? Force divorcees to move back in with each other? Just what the hell is this lunatic talking about???
Clearly, running for president, even thinking about running for president has deranged Mitt Romney’s wits. This is a good indication of just how tempermentally unsuited Decaf is for the pressures of the Presidency. if he can’t hold himself in check in front of a few GOP spear carriers, how will he react if there is another major terrorist attack in the USA?
He is exiting the Commonwealth practically on a weekly basis and ranting and raving in a disassociated fashion in front of any collection of wowsers he can throw together.
The man needs a psychiatrist quite frankly.

And there is his grotesque ongoing hatred of Massachusetts, now even the Globe is reporting that Decaf chuckles at these get-togethers when the local witchburners crack ugly on the Commonwealth. If Mitt Romney is so disdainful of Massachusetts and its citizenry then for Ghod’s sake let him resign his position and move to a state whose electorate has his viceregal approval!
And when he gets to this hypothetical state, the inhabitants therein are well advised to meet Willard at the airport with a nicely tailored straitjacket.

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