Monday, July 28, 2008

Candidate Ed O'Reilly wants fourteen hours of debates

in the lead up to the democratic senatorial primary this fall.
The details of his preposterous proposal can be found here.
I'm not sure the presidential debates since their revival in 1976 have as yet wracked up fourteen hours of congressionally regulated air time.
And O'Reilly wants to make joint appearances on Jon Keller the Jim Braude Show and presumably "Smallville" as well.
Frankly I think this is a bad move on O'Reilly's part, a mere one hour devoted to his nasty little constipated chipmunk face, bulging into the camera and screeching on and on and on and on about the 'Daplatformofdadem'cratikpahhtee" will induce large segments of the population to flee over the Canadian border.
Maybe that is O'Reilly's plan to win the nomination, temporarily depopulate the Commonwealth....
No I think if debates happen they ought to run five days in sequence on WRKO during afternoon drive time...say during Howie Carr's slot. No moderation save for rigourous time-keeping...get a good hockey referee to handle this part. Both candidates should have unlimited cross-examination time only if Ed O'Reilly can demonstrate that he has mastered the use of the "indoor voice".

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