Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Commonwealth Department of Internal Contradictions...

The state GOP weary of reading "Romney for Veep" press releases has descended into personal visciousness with a "" blog. Said item is a baldfaced attempt to guilt trip Senate President Murray into expelling Senator Marzilli from that body or else compelling his resignation.
Apparently, they are calculating how much gasoline per gallon one could purchase with Senator Marzilli's current salary.
Pretty tasteless given the situation...
However I have to question their logic...given the vehemence of their anger towards Marzilli why is the state GOP so anxious to force him off the public payroll and into the state prison system wherein the Department of Corrections will then pay for his room and board?
Given how badly they want to destroy him, it looks like they want to exchange his $75K a year salary for $100K in incarceration costs.
And this is the alleged party of public thrift...

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