Thursday, July 03, 2008

Crude Oil Hits $146 a Barrel

And the Saudis merely murmur polite condolences.
It occurs to me, that you are gonna wanna be a Saudi Oil Princeling on the day the US Air Force starts bombing Iran. The biggest ideological competitor you have in the region will be tied down with US Forces AND crude oil will hit $200 a barrel....hell can I buy stock in this adventure?? It is sure freakin' fire.
Just pay me my dividends in euros that is all I ask.
Hell and damnation we ought to declare tomorrow DEpendence Day, dependence on foriegn oil, dependence on foreign stockpiling of our bonds and dependence on foreign technology to stretch a $4 gallon of gas twenty extra miles!
My Ghod if Thomas Jefferson could see us now, riddled with superstition and political is enough to make the Baja seem tranquil and attractive.

Happy Fourth of July, The Republic hasn't hit a rock bottom this hard since 1932....

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