Took an out of context quote from Citizen Elizabeth Warren on the Left Ahead Podcast and made it seem like the candidate was dissing "hicks".
Oddly enough, this was the selfsame line taken by the state GOP when they listened in to the selfsame podcast.
Funny how that works.
Listen, Joanie likes to pass herself off as a cynical hardbitten member of the local punditariat but honest to ghod it is times like this that she comes off as the most credulous yokel on Ghod's Green Earth.
One blast fax from Eric Fehrnstrom's lackey's and she is off and running.
I mean not fer nothin' but didn't Citizen Warren grow up in Oklahoma before attending some shitkicker university in Texas?
As far as Humble Elias is concerned Warren IS a hick, a rube, a hayseed a shitkicker, but if she proposes new policies to the benefit of the common folk, well I for one will listen at the very least.
As for Joanie she'll sit in her cubicle stewing because the democrats aren't answering the GOP's phony-ass charges effectively enough.
There is nothin' like a senate race on the op ed pages of the Boston Globe...really.
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