Sunday, October 02, 2011

Joanie Vennochi sez...

That Citizen Elizabeth Warren had but to announce for Senator, and the liberal bloggers "fawned over her".
I think there was a yearning for a stronger higher profile challenger for Scott Brown...exactly who that was gonna be seemed a secondary consideration. But that hardly translates into a rising cult of personality for Elizabeth Warren.
Shee-it, the much admired Blue Mass Group was desperate to tempt Deval Patrick into the senate race...
Me? Everyone knows I'm a retrograde mark for Joseph P. Kennedy II...and besides I'm the only one talking about a thick durable glass ceiling in state politics. One that might not be breached in 2012.
Who else is still blogging about state politics from a liberal stance out there?
Left in Lowell and Marry in Massachusetts and that is it. Granted them two seem pretty keen on Warren, but I'd hardly call the posts to date hagiography.
Frankly single ticket blogging like the Chimes at Midnight is in decline, anyone who hasn't monetized their blog and made their mark by now, isn't going anywhere in 2012.
The future belongs to "social media" and sites that provide interaction between content provider and audience.
So, the accusation of "fawning" is hyperbolic, as far as Humble Elias is concerned...I can only wish I had someone to fawn over in this race, but everyone I like is either dead or given up on the game.

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