Friday, June 01, 2012

Brian McGrory makes the Front Page of

The Boston Globe with an interview of Citizen Warren, of course in the weary wicked end, he strokes his chin and sorta implies she is evasive and maybe untruthful.
Well what more can we expect from Brian? He carried coals for Romney and now proposes to do the same for Scott Brown.
My question is simple and stark though: If I’m not supposed to care about Mitt Romney’s weird apocalypic religion, then why does anyone give a hoot about Citizen Warren’s exact tribal status?
Am I missing something here?
Am I the only one who drives past the Mormon Tabernacle on Belmont nigh every day and sees only a vast monument to One Former Governor's bloated religious ego?

Just sayin' folks, if the Cherokee thing is stayin' on the table, then some other things naturally come under discussion.
BTW in case any of my readers (all seven of you) don't read the Metro Section of the Boston Globe, Citizen Warren just collected the coveted endorsement of Governor Deval Patrick yesterday. The Guv abandoned his neutral corner and the story landed on page B-Three for his efforts.
But this Cherokee thing, that is Front Page Below the Fold.
You'd think you were reading "The Manchester Union Leader" they way they are carrying on down Morrissey Blvd way.

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