Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This doesn't surprise me

But per the link, "belief in God" is waa-ay among American Youth.

It is to be expected, the various Protestant Evangelical Sects despite a lot of feckless smiles on TV preach a gospel equal parts of money worship and crude locker room homophobia.
And the moral debacle that the Catholic Church has wandered into, well that has been well covered elsewhere.
Hell it's a wonder those numbers aren't worse, Revealed Religion in the USA has never had less to offer than it does right here, right now.
Bill Maher (who is a bit of feckless windbag I admit) asserts that thirty million citizens of the USA have either no religious affiliation or no belief in God at all. He dreams of an atheist/agnostic voting block that might just throwing it's weight around in US Elections.
Well...its an intriguing possibility, but coalitions are built on candidates and platforms and right now just asserting a lack of organized belief is still a huge risk in US Politics.
But then politicians always lag behind social developments...

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