Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Congrats (sigh) to the Senior Senator from Massachusetts John Forbes Kerry

On his confirmation to the office of Secretary of State, the score was ninety six to three in the weary wicked end. Meanwhile rumor has it, Scott Brown has a twenty point lead on Ed Markey in a hypothetical general election match up. Hence he is now allegedly "leaning towards" a run in the special election this year. This after a weekend devoted to rumors that Brown was dithering on making the race..."CoughBULLSHITcough!". I will say this a dozen more times over the course of this primary and possibly beyond, Ed Markey has his work cut out for him, he must transcend...Dunno if he has the capacity for all his virtues. Oh and it'll be a contested democratic primary, Stephen Lynch (the pride of Castle Island) seems hell bent on getting into the race, he has many many union supporters and a long history of agreeing with Scott Brown on various policy points, his general election prospects against Brown are likely bleaker than Markey's.

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