Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Amidst all the hoopla

about Osama Bin Laden's death, comes the word that Mitt Romney is skipping the first GOP Presidential debate in South Carolina.
The reasons for this are simple and stark, at the moment and until a humanoid richer, more charismatic and less craven than Romney gets into the race, Willard is the de-facto front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination.
His main declared rivals for said nomination are a matched pack of hacks, porch-climbers, teachables, sky grifters and dangerous utopian mystics..."why waste air time on them?" thinks Mitt.
So Romney's first serious decision of campaign 2012 is typically passive aggressive, "let the other guys fuss and whine while I float along looking Presidential and uttering baritonal nullities" is his thesis.
Disdaining the cheap acts has it's advantages, but ceding the first debate to them smacks of hubris. These are low angry people they could easily spend the entire debate jumping ugly on Mitt Romney forcing him to spend the rest of the weekend defending his positions on natural selection and polygamy.
And we all know how well Mitt Romney plays defense especially when he comes under pressure from the right.
Likely Romney will use the down time this week to poll and focus group trying to figure out what his thoughts should be about Osama Bin Laden's demise.
THAT will be a whole other process to watch and enjoy...

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