Monday, May 30, 2011

I don't think Mitt Romney can withstand

much more praise from the front Page of the Boston Globe with respect to his health care reform legislation in Massachusetts.
I suspect, the Globe is trying it's old game of building Romney up as an unlikely Moderate GOP Man on Horseback, but all articles like this do is damage Mitt's wingnut credibility at a time when he is desperate to get in good with the Tea Partei.
If I didn't know better I'd say all this incessant praise for Romney's 2005 HCR is a machiavellian bid to undercut his candidacy in the New Hampshire primary.
You can see his dilemma, if he embraces fully his own health care reform in Massachusetts then he made a defacto endorsement of the President's Health Care Reform (a carbon copy of the Massachusetts plan )at the national level. Since no one can gain the current GOP nomination if they are aligned with the Obama White House in a policy sense, Romney has to expend precious time and resources endorsing something for the Commonwealth that he regards as bad for the Republic.
To do this he falls back on a pretty tattered version of "States Rights" that makes no sense from an insurance risk point of view. Frankly if he thought it would go over with his target audience Romney would fall back on Phrenology or divination by way of bird intestines.
Honestly, if he had access to H.G. Wells' time machine Mitt would go back to 2005 and talk himself out of signing the bill, that is how desperate he is to escape this thing.

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