speech today outlining yet another healthcare proposal.
Why is he proposing anything? Isn't his core thesis that the states ought to have complete sovereignty over healthcare and if they dream up systems that cost nothing and dispense nothing to the uninsured, so be it...
The former viceroy's policy is entirely passive aggressive in nature, big surprise there.
Honestly, whenever Mitt starts flapping his yap about Healthcare he looks and sounds all the world like a busted police snitch who has been caught in a lie by the rollers.
I give him credit though, Mitt Romney is always willing to negotiate, with himself first and foremost.
Here is one simple question, if States Rights is the primary determinant of health care policy then ROmney ought to explain to us why all fifty states adopting the Massachusetts' plan is a bad thing.
And if it is not a bad thing, then why not cut to the chase and Federalize it thus expanding the risk pool and cutting costs?
There is a notion abroad out there, and it is slowly gaining credence in the punditariat that Mitt Romney is the "grown up" in the GOP presidential lists.
But if this vain, indecisive, easily intimidated twit is the GOP's idea of a grown up then something has gone very very wrong with American politics.
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