Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Oprah Winfrey for President?

On the basis of a rousing speech at th Golden Globe's Sunday Night, Oprah Winfry is being touted as a Presidential Prospect all over the mediaverse even as I write this.
Well, as I pointed out a year ago, Trump's "election" broke down a lot of very necessary barriers in US Politics, "personal crapulence" clearly isn't a disqualification for office and zero experience in politics doesn't count for a hill of beans either...but the malign consequences of the annihilation of those barriers are a veritable Sword of Damocles over our heads, every single day.
Oprah's chief qualification for office is a huge personal fortune and a comfort factor on TV that will give Marshall McLuhan the screaming bedspins...but thats it. How she'd handle tedious exactly and thankless budget negotiations with congress is a mystery and would remain so until she was theoretically inauguated.
Granted if nominated, the debates would be grand political theater but shit, the debates with Hillary Clinton were great in every way and still the damn thing blew up in our faces.
No...Forget Oprah for President, its your privilege to advocate a candidacy solely routed in anxiety relief, vengeance, money & name recognition....but it may never ever be what the country needs post Donald Trump.
Besides there is a quality of "homeopathic medicine" to Oprah for President, the cure for a sugar high media sensation driven presidency is clearly another even stronger dose of sugar and media hype....again, I have m' doubts.

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