Sorry I never watch the SOTU speech as a general rule, so whatever threats and promises Mister Trump made last night to say nothing of the lies he no doubt eructated, I will pass over in silence.
The fact of the matter is, that State of the Union Speech has gone from a minor constitutional responsibility settled onto the Executive Department to a Mawkish to Garish Reality Show Spectacle and a disheartening one at that...
The reasons for this are twofold, across the board, the political class in DC is convinced that the electorate is somehow ignoring them, said alleged obscurity somehow in turn inhibits their ability to govern on some intangible level. Forget that this is simply not the case on any measurable level, those governing are completely hypnotized by this notion.
Hence the spectacle "this'll grab em" they all mutter to themselves.
The other reason is a little more dark, since the days of the Reagan Aufklarung, it has been an article of faith in Washington DC that somehow the feckless inconstant masses are instantly persuaded when communication is somehow initiated in an "unfiltered format". Never mind that literally there no discernable form of political communication in this country that IS NOT curated or filtered in some fashion or another...all the same the politicians all believe this the way a novitiate buys into the primacy of Holy Mary, the Mother of God. SOTU, so they insist, is this blessed "unfiltered" chance to get the message out unmolested, thus again, "the spectacle".
So in actuality its a pretty brain dead occasion full of sound bytes and other indicators of intellectual decline enacted by the chronically needy with soft touch jobs, the electorate deserves better and remains weirdly tolerant of a distinctly third rate show.
Frankly I'd pay good money for a US President who'd go back to manly practice of reporting the State of the Union via letter to the congressional leadership, this was good enough for such infamous illiterates as Thomas Jeffersion & Abe Lincoln....
I myself literally haven't sat thru one since High School and that was undoubtedly considered a homework assignment from some Nun. That Nun...has likely departed this mortal coil, so I guess we can all Thank Ghod she didn't live to see the pretty pass her beloved country has reached....
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