Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The State of the Syrup...

Charlie Baker's State of the Commonwealth Speech is a long boring recitation of phantom accomplishments, promises to resolve expensive problems with no money and usual crescendo of love for bipartisanship.
Left unsaid obviously, the the public and private want occasioned the contraction of health insurance options by the GIC, nor is the Governor interested in keeping funny money out of the process and his silence on the subject of "privatization" is merely tactical, he'll revisit that utopian notion if safely re-elected.
As for "Bipartisanship" thats another election year GOP codeword designed to neutralize the potential opposition of the legislature ato his re-election. It is also a gambit that works by the way so keep an eye on your senators and reps in the coming months.....if they are democrats that is...

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