Thursday, July 13, 2006

David Brooks on Imus Today...

And lordy what a whiny snickering twerp he is.

But give David credit he is loyal to the convolutions and knots that constitute the current freeper line.
Today he offered up the extraordinary notion that Senators Kerry & Clinton's promise to support the victor in the current Connecticut democratic senatorial primary (you remember, Lieberman v. Lamont) represents a quiet cave in to political thuggery in the democratic base.
David Brooks really is an opportunistic and cynical little bitch isn't he? If John McCain had bolted the GOP in 2000 to run as a third party presidential candidate no doubt Brook's irritating soprano would soar high and loud over the rightical chic chorus of disapproval.
For that fact, go back and check...I guarantee David Brooks was freeping out hard about Ross Perot's independent candidacy back in 1992.
Somehow now, it is the duty of all "big tent" democrats to back Joe Lieberman's notional vanity third party run should it come to that in Connecticut.
Awk...typical freeper punditariat manipulative could program a computer to write this stuff it is so predictable.
However I have to say, I'm glad I've been elevated to rank of "thug" in the estimation of Mr. David Brooks; conservative pundit and columnist.
For the past six years I've been called a faggot and an appeaser by rightical chic elements in American society. "Thug" seems to indicate the freepers are starting to look over their shoulders a bit.
And the term also has a bit of outlaw chic to it...can't deny that.

Elias Nugator, Thug
Think I'll have that business card printed up one of these days.

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