Wednesday, July 12, 2006

So now the Big Dig has an official Body Count...

thank you so bloody much Bechtel Parsons, that was surely $14 billion dollars very well spent wasn't it?
True to form though, Governor Romney, faced with a fatal cave-in in one of the Big Dig's tunnels came rocketing back from his vacation straight to the front of the TV cameras where he indulged a shrill and scary performance sowing raw panic among the commuting population of Boston.
he looked particularly appalling last night on FOx25 news with his hair askew and the sweat rolling down his face with that screechy little voice of his.
The facts alone are scary stuff, nevertheless here comes the Viceroy rantin & raving about unsafe tunnels and screaming for Matt Amorello's head.
This is a tragedy pure and simple, Humble Elias' heart goes out to the family of Milena Del Valle...this shouldn't have happened.
Alas though, this disaster casts a harsh light on the sheer amateurishness of Romney's leadership style. For all his feckless bluster, Mitt somehow really thinks that ousting Amorello is gonna fix everything up for good.
No doubt the Viceroy will dig up some hapless toadying hack for the job and that person will flail around for a few months or years until some other god-awful catastrophe and then the whole stupid farce will repeat itself under the aegis of another Governor.
Mitt will be campaigning in Epsom Cirle New Hampshire by then and probably pleased with the "business-like" manner that he handled the whole crisis.
Obscured by this tragedy is a very real indictment of corporate America, the very womb out of which Mitt Romney sprang to the Governorship.
If you can't trust Bechtel Parsons to dig a big hole in the ground and take some god-damned pride in the job then there is something seriously WRONG with the way we do business in the USA.
Nope, that is all over in America, nowadays we are nothing but a huge money laundering operation for turning Chinese Yuan into US Dollars. Workmanship, pride, and a sense of SHAME when things go wrong are not part of the MBA Curriculum and it's certainly nothing that would make you a big wheel at the Bain Capital Group.

Look at the way we do business in America, its a miracle the whole damn tunnel didn't cave in en masse with the sea rushing in to reclaim all.


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