in the Middle East, according to Pompous Tim Russert the New York Times Columnista is trying to get into Damascus to cover the current Israeli incursion into Lebanon. is on the beat in the desert heat, start buying gold kids that is all I can say.
The current Israel strike against Hezbollah must be a godsend to Friedman, it obscures ever so slightly the unfolding US debacle in Iraq, an adventure that Tom pimped for with childish glee back in '03.
Of course, Friedman has a theory, doesn't he always? A very earnest notion that if somehow Syria and Iran's de facto alliance can be busted up Hezbollah will whither on the vine.
Tom insists they are not natural allies citing Syria's secularism versus Iran's Islamic wowserism.
Waaallllll....ahhhh swan....Humble Elias isn't what you would call an "educated man" but ah do know that the USA has been trying to separate the Arabs from their poverty and ethnocentrism for fifty years now on and off. We haven't much to show for the effort and one doubts that we will have any luck getting Syria and Iran to quit on one another.
Hatred of Israel for the moment, is a great unifier of the fractious Arabs, every Imam and ambitious Infantry Colonel knows this...windy proclaimations from that seer Tom Friedman notwithstanding.
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