Sunday, July 30, 2006

How much do you think we'd have to raise

in order to simply bribe George Bush Jr. into leaving office?
Granted this blog has gone back and forth with respect to the "revolutionaries versus voluptuaries" argument, however given the frightful state of global and national politics at the moment it might be worth finding out if GWB has his price after all.
I'm assuming he wouldn't leave for anything less than a billion up front cash, but that could be raised by a national fundraiser. Raising the "presidential payola" might take a few months...but the money could be had I assure you.
More daunting though, are the post GWB leadership prospects faced by the nation. Paying off Bush like a pimp with negatives will only leave us with Deadeye Dick Cheney in the White House, and after him, Fat soft Denny Hastert, "Brainless" Ted Stevens, Condi get the picture from the subnormal to the ridiculous.
Of course, we could offer them all a one time cash pay out of 20 billion dollars apportioned in staggered increments with the proviso that C. Everett Coop or some other semi-sane soul be appointed to a appropriate position in the succession.
Twenty billion US dollars is cheap compared with the trillions Iraq, the price of gas and Bush's tax cuts are costing us all.
It is twenty billion now but what with inflation, the cost of doing business with the White House is bound to go up.
So I say act now, hell I'm in for twenty bucks...who is with me?

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