Y'know the other Mormon who is running for President has uncloseted himself on twitter as a believer with respect to natural selection and global warming.
Honestly illegal Mexican migrant workers poll better with the GOP than Darwin and the disappearance of the polar ice caps....
Josh Marshall thinks Huntsman wants out of the presidential race (whose crazy threshold got a whole order of magnitude higher within hours once Perry parachuted in) and is "twittering" himself to death.
I'm wondering if he has decided that the GOP nomination isn't worth having under the current circumstances and Huntsman is therefore trying to stake out the middle ground as part of a nascent third party candidacy for President.
Here it is, August and we haven't heard word one from any potential third party candidates...usually the punditariat spends the summer dreaming up all sorts of third fourth and fifth party challenges. This year nothing...so far.
on paper, Huntsman has good 3rd party bona fides. He is telegenic, antiseptic, unthreatening, full of milky murky moderate notions and as such has all sorts of appeal to the Scot Lehighs and David Broders of this world.
Can he fundraise? Can he stay the distance...Likely not, but right now it's all about filling up column space and sparking interest...
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