was "joking" when she said that "God" was communicating with the USA via earthquake and hurricane.
Fair enough, she was kidding I get that, strange sort of a joke to make when the there is a death toll in play, but lets concede that Michele Bachmann pushes the comedy envelope.
Of course, when Gilbert Gottfried pushes the comedy envelope and makes inappropriate jests about the Fukushima Earthquake or 9/11 he loses work, gets vilified and a host of radio talk show hosts (those TRIBUNES of public virtue) go to work on Gottfried's torso with tire irons.
Bachmann though? She goes nattering on like a teachable, the punditariat pays no mind to her crude and barbaric sense of humor.
Shit John Kerry cracked a joke about pot back in 2004 and came in for worse outrage.
Just sayin'...
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