After six months of wandering Iowa and New Hampshire like a stranded tourist, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has awakened to the ackward notion that if he doesn't stomp fellow Minnesotan Michele Bachmann quickly in the GOP Presidential contest, he risks humiliation so absolute as to preclude becoming Secretary of Transportation.
So he took off after her last night in the Iowa GOP debate....
Nonetheless, Tim is just too clueless and foggy to last in this crowd, he has no instinct for the jugular, he hasn't got the heart to twist anyone's nose Three Stooges style for that fact.
I'm guessing poor fundraising and gentle pressure from Mitt Romney will usher Tim out of the race by Thanksgiving.
Promises will be made (the Department of Transportation IS an easy gig in a Republican Admin after all, it's like a nursing home for busted dingbats) and for all that, Tim's endorsement will be a sought after biddable commodity...Anything to undercut Bachmann's freak appeal.
If I had to guess, getting Tim to drop out garnering his endorsement is all part of Romney's plan to undercut Bachmann...On one thing can we all depend, Mitt hates women in politics. He will wreck the GOP and make a weapon out of unpromising clay like Tim Pawlenty to get at Bachmann.
Count on it.
Meanwhile Tim is the sort of credulous rube Romney thinks he can manipulate & patronize...
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