Tuesday, May 30, 2006

(In the Democratic Primary) For Lieutenant Governor:

The Chimes at Midnight is proudly endorsing Worcester Mayor Tim Murray for Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
This was not an easy decision for Humble Elias to make, Deb Goldberg and Andrea Silbert are both able and intelligent people in every respect.
However, Murray both an agenda for the Commonwealth with assets that will help get the ticket elected this fall and when you match that up with his record in Worcester well...The man becomes the natural choice.
Humble Elias also sees Murray as the best fit with all three potential gubernatorial nominees, in each case he brings some strong to the table. He is also an affable man of reasonably humble origins far outside the cloisters of Boston.

If Murray is our Lieutenant Governor nominee this fall he will have to face Reed Hillman in debate. Humble Elias predicts that Hillman as a former State Police Commander will come on like Wyatt Earp, raving about criminal coddling democrats and all that nonsense. We will need someone who has "stood the watch" so to speak and can refute and attack on the basis of experience.
Moreover, and this is where things get a bit morbid, two out of the last three Massachusetts' governors have come to office via succession...Murray is the best qualified candidate to assume the governorship with the least amount of "on the job training" if matters came to a head.

In short, we need Tim Murray.

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