Wednesday, May 31, 2006

(In the Democratic Primary) For Secretary of State:

The Chimes at Midnight heartily endorses William Galvin for re-election.

Humble Elias doesn't agree with more than a few of Galvin's political views, but remains impressed with his populist credentials and his commitment to preserving a paper based balloting system here in Massachusetts. He is not a perfect ideological fit with the Chimes at Midnight, but he is a serious man and an able public servant to dispense with him now would be foolish & quixotic.

Currently Secretary Galvin is faced with a primary challenge by one Jon Bonifaz, who is running on a voting rights platform.
Fair enough, no balloting system is 100% foolproof and there is always room for improvement here in Massachusetts. However, the Office of Secretary of State handles more than election mechanics and there seems little in Bonifaz' resume to suggest that he is ready to step up in the areas of corporate licensing and regulation.
And the guy voted for Nader in 2000, that just rankles quite a bit on the personal level. If the state democratic party is now pulling the convention credentials of delegates who have endorsed republican candidates, then why should Humble Elias give Bonifaz a pass since he walked out on Al Gore?

No...I'm sticking with Billy he has done nothing to merit the withdrawl of my support or my vote. I urge my readers to vote for Galvin on September 19th in the democratic primary.

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