Wednesday, May 17, 2006

One more gem from Brian McGrory

(and then I promise to start blogging about the weather)...
This item did not pass un-noticed from yesterday's column:

"Enough of this governor who spends 90 percent of his time running around any state but ours, smiling that vapid smile, telling everyone within earshot about the gay-loving tax-and-spend liberals back home who can't tell the difference between values and McDonald's value meals."

"What did we ever do to the guy, besides elect him?"

What is this "we" shit white man?

YOU tried to puff Mitt Romney up into an awe inspired moderate republic zeppelin on the order of the now vanished Bill Weld.
YOU alibi'd for Romney's lack of experience and his fatal detachment from civic affairs.
YOU squealed like a stuck suckling pig at the thought of a democratic legislature working with a democratic governor.
And now...
YOU are one who is desperately trying to slip over the side of the Mitt Romney bandwagon.
It is a sad spectacle to watch from my perspective.
No no it isn't that is a lie, its all so terribly terribly funny.
Ah but don't worry Brian, if you wish and rub that magic lantern hard enough Crazy Christy Mihos or Kerry Healey is BOUND to turn into someone you can back.

It worked before, why shouldn't it work again?

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