Sunday, May 21, 2006

Spiteful Joanie has a good one today...

Vennochi's column in today's Globe details her fatigue with the current round of Bush Bashing.
She sighs, rolls her eyes, sets down her tea-cup and asserts that kicking the President when he is down has gotten so-oo tiresome.

Now don't worry, this is Spiteful Joanie Vennochi we are talkin' about. A week from now she will be desperate to plunge her nasty little letter opener into John Kerry back for the crime of being aloof, a coward, a bully, a bullying coward, unfriendly to McCain, too friendly to McCain, sitting at the wrong cafeteria table with like all the band geeks...the exact motive will vary and remain meaningless.

Joanie will never tire of trying to bring down our Junior Senator...her efforts are unintentionally laughable, occasionally unpleasant, usually incoherent and always unsuccessful.
But give her credit Vennochi just won't quit...on that.

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