Thursday, May 04, 2006

The U.S. House has passed a law

penalizing US Oil Companies for instances of price gouging with a fine of up to a one hundred and fifty million smackers.
Like I said the other day, dumber and dumber ideas are bound to gush out of congress as the the price of gasoline creeps upward.
Otherwise, we can take this notion as a good benchmark to measure the sheer panic and intellectual bankruptcy that infects Capitol Hill.
Even if the president signs the measure, you can bet his own patently illegal 'signing statements" will eviscerate the law and render it a cypher. Why have a failed oilman in the White House if he can't protect the energy industries that elected him?
Moreover, the Department of Justice under La Famiglia Arbusto's guidance hasn't racked up much of a record when it comes to enforcement in the public interest.
Do your eally think a servile courtier like Alberto Gonzalez can be relied upon to investigate Sunoco impartially?
And anyway, what is one hundred and fifty million bucks to an company like Exxon that just made thirty BILLION in the last year off of spiraling crude oil prices?
Shit, one hundred and fifty million is barely hooker money to that crowd, they can pay the fine and write it off as the cost of doing business with nervous GOP shysters in congress.

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