Thursday, March 08, 2012

The Boston Globe reports today

some amazement that Rick "High Pitched Rich" Santorum isn't going over bigger with catholic voters.
Well what can I say?
Sometimes one has to remind oneself of a candidates particular religion, the way we must remind ourselves periodically that Hitler and Mussolini were both catholics and Stalin was a seminarian.
In Rick's case his catholicism is easily forgotten as he barnstorms the nation in the name of theocracy & autocracy, the man sounds every bit like Westbrook Pegler gone mad on roofies, I mean the traditional catholic social concerns get back burnered completely when the candidate starts ranting and raving about bestiality etc.
He is literally drowning out his own religion with a cataract of fury, revenge and verbal brutality...Stylistically he is a protestant revivalist in every way.
Then again, I have to keep reminding myself that Citizen Elizabeth Warren and Former State Senator Scott Brown are both protestants fuh ghod's sake so what do I know?

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