the meme was that Ron Paul was in this race to run ideological interference for Romney thus to elevate his ne'er do well Senatorial Son to the Vice Presidency or extract a pledge to study revival of the Gold Standard from the "Romney Admin".
But that is Ron Paul, he is a fantasist, everything he seemingly wants is sheer immaterial delusion.
Nowadays though, I'm wondering why Newt Gingrich is still in this race? Basically as of last night all the bloated Former Speaker of the House is good for is sucking up twenty eight to thirty percent of the vote that would otherwise go into an overwhelming electoral coalition against Mitt Romney and thus Advantage Santorum.
Given the fact that Newt hasn't delivered on much since carrying his own state, I'm thinking just maybe it's in Romney's interest to keep his opponents active and divided.
The problem is, that the Former Viceroy is such an inept politician one doubts he could effectively manipulate Gingrich who theoretically is vulnerable to appeals to his morbidly obese ego.
Humble Elias doubts Newt would nibble at the Vice Presidential Bait, but on the other hand how do you offer someone the second slot as a means to keep them in the race?
A trick like that requires a deft political hand which of course, Romney does not have.
So if it comes down to Gingrich having second thoughts, maybe bailing out over the short term to write a book and get his snout back in the conservative welfare trough...then Perish Romney.
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