Sunday, March 04, 2012

It has been a bad week for

Andrew Breitbart died abruptly, and Rush Limbaugh was compelled to apologize after calling a Georgetown Law Student a "slut" on the congressionally licensed public airwaves.
As the Late Doctor Raoul Duke famously observed, "bad craziness".
Of course, there is a distinction here, an important one as well, between the controvore and the workaday pundit.
A controvore is rhetorical arsonist intent on keeping a specific electoral cohort in a state of perpetual fear and ecstatic hatred.  Controvores make big bucks by consuming controversy (both real and imagined) and exuding a diresome aura of fear, loathing and a false consciousness of persecution.  It is important to note that controvores bear no relation either to journalism or pure entertainment though they often travel under both designations as flags of convenience.
Jacques Ellul opined that functioning democracies cannot generate effective propaganda, when they do, they automatically cease to be democracies.
"Controvores" are the next best thing to propaganda in a functioning democracy, they literally serve a nonexistent entirely internalized autocracy.
Owing to the current degraded & dementia ridden state of conservatism in the USA, controvores generally tend to reactionary and pseudo populist in outlook as the right wing offers them a better more fearful audience and more lucrative opportunities.
There are a some liberals out there who are trying to become controvores without compromising their politics, but are making little progress as far as I can see. They lack the soothing myth of grievance perhaps.
Pundits, on the other hand, coming as they do almost entirely out of journalism, have to traffick in the facts on a regular basis.
They may not like it, or even be good at it, but they cannot fully give themselves over to counterfactual point of view, it would not be "Good Form".
Moreover such a counterfactual frame of mind probably isn't sustainable in the current journalistic stream wherein information is arrives in the form of a barrage.
A pundit therefore is literally frightened of the facts in a way that is completely alien to today's controvore.
A pundit cannot isolate himself from reality the way a controvore can, when he or she does, voila! A Controvore is born!

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