Scott Brown has changed his mind about almost every current issue on the roster, usually on the basis of what was best for his political fortunes and what best served the needs of his sponsors on Wall Street.
"No On Monday, Means Yes on Friday" as Humble Elias has said many many times before...
Yet the one issue where he has been steadfast from beginning to the last, has been in allowing private companies to deny contraceptives for religious reasons to their employees.
In effect Scott just voted to allow Sharia Law into the private health care plans of the USA...Okay maybe that is hyperbole, but what is good for the Bishop is also fine with the Imam.
Suddenly when women needed his vote, Scott became a puritan.
Funny how that works.
Now, the political calculus is that Brown was trying to pull some "Reagan democrats" into his coalition...male Reagan democrats mostly I would think.
The wives girlfriends daughters and mistresses of those Reagan democrats might take a different view as this campaign rolls forward.
I have come to the conclusion that a large part of modern conservatism revolves around repealing the hard fought rights of any cohort that has gotten mainstreamed in the past forty years. Doesn't matter who, gays, women, Latinos, Blacks, somehow the GOP has got to make an example of someone, and take something away.
It is less ideology and more psychology at this point.
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