that the net worth of People's Republic of China's rubber stamp People's National Congress tops eighty nine billion dollars. Eleven times the net worth of the US Senate and the US Senate is hardly a back country poor house.
Apparently the NPC has become a gaudy refuge for the richest most powerful capitalists in the PRC.
The CCP legalized membership for the wealthy some ten years ago and viola' instant oligarchy!
There are a lot of ways you can look at this "Chairman Mao is spinning in his grave" being the most obvious one.
My thinking is, the whole situation pretty much scientifically demonstrates that Marxist Dialectics are a load of rubbish, not even Antonio Gramsci could talk his way out of this one.
That and the fact that the Chinese have superceded post industrialism & literally revived the defacto Oligarchy of the Roman Senate, which was nothing but the political arm of the wealthy in Ancient Rome.
It was governance for the elite, by the elite and of the elite period end of story...then in Ancient Italy and now in Modern Beijing.
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