Friday, January 27, 2006

Chris Gabrieli for Lieutenant Governor??

AG Tom Reilly is dickering with party stalwart Chris Gabrieli??

What a bold and hopelessly unimaginative choice.
This would be the same Chris Gabrieli who lost to Capuano in 1998 and who went down to defeat with the noble O'Brien in 2002?
Unlike most other liberals, Humble Elias generally doesn't cut a pol dead after they lose...this is a self destructive tendency that is the bane of progressive politics IMHO.
But Gabrieli? Granted he can self finance which in this case is a good thing, but its not like his money got him into congress or helped Shannon O'Brien over the finsih line.
And he is another activist, a'la Silbert, Goldberg, Kelley et al...maybe he has more money but he is an activist therefore more of the same nevertheless.
Just what does he bring to the process?
He is an earnest man and wooden speaker and he has money and a lackluster electoral record.
I'd be thoroughly impressed if Reilly got his old pals Wayne Budd or Ralph Martin to jump the fence, that would definitely turn some heads...yeah it'd be a law heavy enforcement ticket but hey Batman and Robin ran town wide in Gotham City and won big.

The Globe also reports that Tim Murray the current Mayor of Worcester is pretty cheesed off about Reilly's ticket building, Humble Elias idly wonders if this will force him into an alliance with Patrick?

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