Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Mitt has been quietly signing...

Special Justice of the Peace Applications for those who wish to officiate at gay weddings.
Que' Lastima!
The Governor's inglorious mouthpiece Eric Fehstrom huffed that Romney is "only" obeying the law.
Ah....that may be so in the liberty lovin' environs of the Commonwealth, but out in Wowserdom fealty to the law is conflated with church arson and child stealing. Whatever it is that Spartansburg S.C. wants in a President, they don't want some wanker who will enforce laws they themselves hate and loathe.
No my friends, they want a glorious Presidential outlaw someone who will send in the Fear Patrol to save the next Terri Schiavo statute or no statute.
This mealy mouth nonsense about enforcing the law won't go down well among the grass-eaters in the GOP primaries.
You'd think Mitt would get that by now, but alas, being clueless about politics he does not.

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